Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Blah Update

Well, what can I say. Yes, it's been almost a week since my last update, but the past week has been so crappy and below any bar imaginable (although bars were definitely involved), there hasn't been much point in updating.
Sounds like excuses? Maybe, but it's still true.
You see, not only have I been battling the womanly curse, I'm battling it twice. Lesson to learn here, don't postpone your thingie if you use the ring. Yes, it doesn't come that one time, but then you get the perk of getting it twice within two weeks. Yes, that's two PMSs, two bloating-up-feeling-like-a-beached-whale sessions.
That and having had two hangover days to boot this week very effectively took care of any proper excercising I could've otherwise gotten done.
The grand total? Situps almost every day, except for those two horrible hangover days (kill with fire), and a few measly half-hearted attempts at the gym.
There's really not much point doing measurements today, especially since I'm as bloated as all hell (courtesy of looming thingie #2).

It's odd that I've been able to do situps, though. Usually my tummy says NOOOOOOOOOOOO to any form of excercise while preparing for and enduring the ominous thingie. I guess I can handle crunches, but not the up-and-down movement from the treadmill/elliptical.

I've also been sleeping like shit lately, and all these things combined haven't made me a very happy bunny (apart from the one that hates everything).

Well, there's always next week. Although this week will mostly be consumed by suffering the aforementioned curse, but after that I'm sure the proverbial sun will shine. Not much hope for the real thing.

I will update more regularly this week though, if only to state my misery and abject fear of turning into a beached whale.
Oh, and my shoulder (remember that?) is still sore.

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