Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Well, I had the coil fitted on Monday. It hurt like a motherfucker, to the extent that I actually screamed out loud. My muscles felt drained from energy for the rest of the day, just out of sheer exhaustion. I'd say that's the worst pain I've ever experienced, I could even feel it in my teeth. I did feel a bit sore for the rest of the day on Monday, but yesterday went completely fine--nothing out of the ordinary. Today I woke up with what seems to be my period...again. Hopefully this will stop soon (I have heard stories of it continuing for a while after...)

It looks like there will be no gym or excercise for me today. I might have mentioned my sore knee last week--I think I sprained a muscle on the inside of my knee, and thought that four days of rest would take care of it. Well, it's still sore. I can barely walk, so I know there's no point in even trying running (I did try on Friday, and it hurt like hell). I'm actually quite pissed off and disappointed; I was ready to get back into action today. But maybe considering both factors it's better to just take things easy today.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get going again.

1 comment:

Cooks said...

hope you're feeling better by now!