Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dragging Ass to Gym--New Challenges

So I finally decided to go to the gym yesterday.
Monumentous occasion, but I had to make the break from life-on-couch at some point.
There's a gym within a 5-min walk from where we live, so of course I went there. Their membership fees are not extortionate, but still quite a bit (monthly plan £35 vs £19 if you pay for the year in one go) and since there are no cancellations or putting the card on hold, I'm hesitant. I then discovered that I could have a look around for free, but wouldn't get a trial visit for free... I guess I've been spoiled, because I have yet to go to a gym that doesn't do a free (or heftily reduced) trial visit. Well, it turns out they do do a health assessment/nutrition & workout plan for free, and I scheduled to get that today. I still don't know whether I'll sign up with them or someplace else.

It's amazing how uninformative gyms'/healthclubs' websites are. Sure, you'll feel like Ms Fitness after you join and the sun will shine and the birds will sing, but membership costs are guarded like national secrets. There are two gyms that require me to make a visit appointment just to go have a look around... I think I'll grill them on their cost policy first.

So I went to the Living Well gym at the Hilton Hotel. Don't laugh, they actually did a free trial!
It's just a shame that apart from a good selection of treadmills, their "gym" consists of about 5 machines... they do have a pool, steamroom and "sauna" (if you can't throw water it's not a sauna), but for £46 a month (or £35 off-peak) I think I'll pass, thank you very much. For a hotel gym it's pretty good, but for regular excercise, not so much.

In hindsight it wasn't necessarily too good of an idea to go work out the day before the "fitness test", considering I hadn't been to a gym in months, by now. Yikes. I am dreading this test thing today. I already know I'm out of shape and overweight, thank you. I'm just hoping it won't feel like P.E... Fortunately I'm not too sore from yesterday (although I had to severely contain myself when the guy who was showing me around said it was a dry sauna, and when I looked disappointed, said "oh, I don't get the difference" and when I explained, told me to use the steam room... Argh. But I'm sure that equalled a good 5 minutes of working out).

Well, we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll find a few more places with free trials, and I'll take it from there.

I don't even dare wish for a proper sauna.

1 comment:

Cooks said...

argh, the horrors of going to the gym. Maybe the Gods are telling you to find a new hobby? ;-)