Saturday, May 26, 2007

7 Random Things

As tagged by Chimera and Dutchcookie

1. I'm not a morning person in the least. Contrary to my disposition, I cannot hit the snooze button on my alarm; unless I tear myself out of bed the second my alarm goes off, I won't at all.

2. I passionately dislike the colour yellow. The lighter it is, the worse it looks.

3. I drink way too much coffee.

4. I am cursed with hangover Russian roulette: I might get hung over from one drink, or I'll be able to drink way too much and be fine the next day. I can never tell which it's going to be until I wake up the next morning.

5. I'm scared of bears. I do like them, but only in nature documentaries. I once ran 2 km faster than I would've thought possible because I came across bear tracks in the snow and couldn't get away

6. I like playing poker, but I'm not very consistent at it: I either strike gold or suck badly. But at least that throws other players off.

7. I don't know enough bloggers to play this tagging properly--or at all, for that matter.

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