Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Excercise Ball Class: A Survivor

So I survived the excercise ball class. Unfortunately it turned out that the ball was not the huge excercise ball we thought it would be, but a smaller, squishy one. The class was very effective, especially on the arms, and a good cardio workout.

As expected, I got lost with a couple of twists and turns, especially as the instructor was quite happy to not explain terminology or what we were expected to do. All in all it went well, though, and I'll definitely go again next week.

The only places sore today are my arms, but I can't really tell if that's from the cardio or from the gym (yes, I was a good girl and went to the gym yesterday too).

In any case, tonight we're trying excercise stick cardio. It's supposed to be good, but I'm a bit sceptical about the concept... Well, I'll know more tonight!

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