Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Picky Goes Hi-Tec

It's amazing what positive results can do. Yesterday was my weigh-and-measure day, and despite going out to eat TWICE last week, I still lost weight and centimeters. Not many, but easy does it, right?
As I may have mentioned, I'm still using WW Points. As we moved on to Macs last year, the CD I very legitimately copied from Gymgirl no longer works, so for the past year I've been jotting my foods and excercise points in a notebook. I finally decided I'd had it, when the charts I drew aren't accurate enough to display the downward curve I've worked so hard to achieve.

So, I put my last year's Excel skills to use, and hey presto. I now have a spiffy file with all kinds of technological goodies, including a tasteful chart displaying my progress (well, hopefully), weekly point charts calculating how much I eat, and a nice pie chart displaying what proportions of my food are eaten when. Trust me, looks better than it sounds here.

All I need to do now is make plenty of progress to warrant my beautiful charts. I somehow suspect they will look less appealing if the curves become steady or, gasp, start going up.

I increased my running speed by 0.5km/h yesterday, and was quite pleased with myself for being able to do my full 30 min without passing out or collapsing. I also walked to hydrobics which, despite my pessimism last week, was a lot better--maybe the aerobics girl will learn. We're still going to try other stuff, tonight we're going to an excercise ball cardio class. I hope I don't fall off the damn thing and end up with a concussion!

This is turning into yet another busy week, which is probably good, considering I am dreading next Monday. That's when I'm having a copper coil fitted. For those not in the know, the copper coil is the only hormone-free form of contraception barring condoms, which, when you really, really never want kids, aren't really a good choice. My extensive internet research has revealed to me that having it fitted is supposed to hurt like hell. Considering I have a very low tolerance for pain, that is not good news.

I've already resigned to my fate, and am aware of the fact that next Monday will effectively be spent on the couch in pain. Hopefully that's as far as it will go, and that I'll be able to get back to my excercise routine by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Right. I need to get back to waking up. I'm supposed to be going to the gym in an hour, and it would be nice if I were at least partially awake by then.


Cooks said...

how did the job interview go?

pickychick said...

cookie, check email!