Wednesday, January 25, 2006

January is the Month of Change?

I'm back.

On the way to the airport we got confirmation from our real estate agent that an official offer has been made, and we accepted it. We will sign the papers on Thursday. Such a strange feeling, after months of fretting and worrying. We can now cross worrying about the house selling off the list.

Riga was nice. Cold, but nice. It was -25C and WINDY when we got there, and by Monday the temperatures had warmed up to -15C. Arriving in Finland on Monday to -4C temperatures felt like summer.

Excercise-wise Riga was very efficient. We spent 8-10 hours walking every day. Well, walking and shivering, and trying to warm up. I felt like the Michelin tyre man, wearing layers upon layers of clothing, and somehow the cold still got through. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad had our hotel room windows not frozen on the inside... it was fascinating watching the curtains fly in the draft. But hey, you get what you pay for, and we did know that the room was in Soviet, unrenovated condition. One must say it added a piquant feel to the trip.

The temp agency called me when we were at the airport in Riga on our way back. I have an interview on Thursday. Not holding my breath on it (one could say I've learned from past experience), but I'd say my chances are pretty good.

Like the good girl that I am, I went to the gym yesterday. And I'm planning on going today too. And going to hydrobics tonight as well.

This week is turning out to be really busy, which is really nice for a change. My calendar is fully booked, and there are tons of things to do.

Life seems to be getting good again.

1 comment:

Cooks said...

Good luck on the interview! and have fun going to the gym.I'm going this afternoon myself (anything to keep me from studying ;-))